The Ultimate Waist Training Guide: Everything You Need To Know
Waist training is quickly catching on in popularity and as a result, there is a lot of information out there about set regimens that people believe they must follow, but what is most important for you to consider is that you needn’t follow a rigid guideline. I always try and underscore the importance of listening to your body as you get into the swing of waist-training. So here is a comprehensive guide on how to start waist training.
How do I Know if I am Ready to Waist Train?
How to Measure:

Before you even decide which style of corset you'd like to go with for your waist training journey, it is most important to determine which size you need.
To do this, you will need a soft tape measure
Take your tape measure and wrap it around the narrowest part of your torso, this is usually close to where the belly button is. Get the measurement of your waist in inches and jot your measurement down on a piece of paper.
Now that you have your waist measurement, here is how to calculate:
For a steel boned corset: Subtract 4" to 5" from the measurement of your waist.
For example, if your waist measures between 30" to 31", you would want to go with steel boned corset in a size 26".
For a waist training corset: Subtract 6" to 7" from the measure of your waist.
Therefore, using the same example, if your waist measures 30" to 31", you would want to select a waist trainer in a size 24".
Which Corset to Choose, Steel Boned Or Waist Trainer?
How do you know if you should start with a steel boned corset or a waist trainer? And should you select an underbust or an overbust?
When shopping for a corset, many come to a cross roads in deciding whether to go with a steel boned corset or a waist trainer. But the fact of the matter is that there's more to making that decision than wanting the maximum cinch.
Here are 3 things to consider before you decide on which type of corset:
- Have you got experience wearing corsets?
If you've never worn a corset before it is advisable that you begin with a steel boned corset. Steel boned corsets provide a cinch of 4" to 5" which is already a dramatic difference and quite a lot to get accustomed to in terms of the sensation of added tension around the waist. A steel boned corset will allow you to slowly work up to a waist training corset, which gives 6-7” reduction to the waist.
If you've never worn a corset before, beginning with a steel boned corset is advisable. A steel boned corset starts you off with a 4" to 5" waist reduction, which some may find more comfortable to start with than the 6" to 7" reduction a waist trainer provides. By insuring that you are comfortable throughout your waist training regimen, you will better your chances of sticking with it and seeing greater results.
- You should have at least one other corset that you'll be able to wear interchangeably with your new waist trainer
For whatever the reason (you may be feeling bloated, suffering menstrual cramps, or you just feel like you'd like to give your middle a bit of a break), you will appreciate having a steel boned corset on hand for those days when a waist trainer just feels like too much. You will appreciate having a less constricting corset on hand for those days when a waist trainer or even a full blown steel boned corset feel like too much. Our mesh corsets are steel boned but are less constricting, ideal for those days.

Our waist trainers are made with 24 steel bones (spiral and flat), 4 layers of cloth for extra strength, and just those 2 characteristics alone give a True Corset waist trainer the ability to offer maximum cinch. And some days, that can feel like too much so having a steel boned corset or a steel boned mesh corset handy can keep us on track with our waist training rather than leaving us discouraged ("this is too hard" or "ugh, I've missed a day!").
- You are considering a waist trainer because you want to waist train and not because you're looking for a quick fix for a smaller waist
If your main motivation for selecting a waist trainer is that it offers more of a cinch than a steel boned corset, then I wouldn't recommend it.
Steel boned corsets can also be used for waist training and are my personal favorite to recommend for those who do not yet have very much experience wearing corsets. They still provide an excellent cinch of 4" to 5" and can be worn throughout the day for your waist training journey.
How to Put Your Corset On:
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Perhaps one thing that most everybody who puts a corset on for the first time loves most about it is the way you quite literally achieve instant results. Your waist, in a matter of the time it takes to lace yourself in comfortably, goes from its original size right down by 4" to 5" with a steel boned corset or even down by 6" to 7" with a waist training corset. A virtually instant and impressive difference!
However, for those of us who wish to waist train or even just wear our corsets, if not all day long, then certainly on a regular basis, we must learn to practice a touch of patience so that we can properly season our corset.
To "season" your corset might sound like a fancy and exclusive term, but it’s really quite simple. It basically means to "break it in".
The very same way you wouldn't choose to wear your newest shoes out for a long walk, you also wouldn't want to take your corset straight out of its package, tighten it to its fullest capacity and not take it off again for 6-10 hours.
If you were to do this (put it on and lace it to its fullest capacity straight out of the package), then you risk damaging the corset and causing yourself significant discomfort.
So, how does one season their corset? Simple! Just follow these basic steps and your corset will be fully molded and shaped to your unique curves in roughly 7-10 days:
- Before trying to fasten your corset, make sure that you have fully loosened the back laces. This will insure that you do not warp the front busk by trying to hard to get it to fasten.
- Once fastened, gently pull the laces in until the corset feels lightly snug. To a degree where if you wanted to, you could still tighten the corset further, but for the time being, stop there!
- After wearing your corset like this for 45 minutes to an hour, feel free to take the laces in a touch more.
- Continue to take the laces in a touch more after every 45 minute to 1 hour interval until the corset is fully tightened.
- Do not wear your corset tightened to its full capacity for over 1-2 hours.
How Many Hours to Wear Your Trainer:
Try getting through the day without taking your corset off. If you notice that you are experiencing any sort of discomfort during the day (whether from a little bit of bloating after a meal, or from growing accustomed to being sat while in your corset), rather than taking it off, simply unlace your corset to the point where you are no longer uncomfortable. You will still feel the support that the corset offers, but you won’t feel as restricted.
Beyond that, you can feel free to wear your corset from the time you wake up and get dressed right up to the time you go to sleep, or you can even feel free to sleep in your corset. The only times you would need to remove your corset are when showering/bathing or if you partake in any sort of exercise that calls for a full range of motion (something a corset might interfere with).

Diet Tips:
As I am sure you have heard, many people claim that when they are wearing their corset, they cannot eat as much as they would when not wearing their corset. Due to the tension placed around your midsection from the corset, there is some truth to this and as such, it is highly important that you make sure to eat a sufficient amount (you can try eating 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day rather than 3 larger meals) and also to make sure that you are getting enough nutrients (a proper balance of proteins, healthy fats and unrefined carbohydrates). It also isn’t a bad idea to consider taking a vitamin supplement while you waist train.
Water is very important! Keep a bottle of water within your reach throughout the day. Hunger and thirst can frequently be confused and as a corset can lead you to feel less hungry you don’t want to risk neglecting your hydration. Sip throughout the day.
Sleeping Tips:
You can sleep in your corset if you like. Again, there is plenty of information available about the lifestyles of some of the most disciplined waist trainers and most of them will tell you that they wear their corsets for 23 hrs per day and only remove it to shower. If you do want to give it a go and try sleeping in your corset, do loosen the laces before bed and try sleeping on your side (this will most likely be the most comfortable position while wearing your corset).
To give sleeping in your corset a try, here are a few basic tips:
- Test it out with a nap:
Some people may love wearing their corset throughout the day but this doesn't necessarily mean they'll love sleeping in one. Perhaps you're not the type who stays particularly still in your sleep. Or perhaps the sensation of a corset around your middle is too distracting when you're trying to fall asleep. Rather than compromise an entire night's worth of sleep, why not try it out the next time you take a nap? If you are successful in taking a nice comfortable nap in your corset, then give it a go at bed time, too.
2. Don't eat a large meal right before bed:
Eating a large meal right before bed isn't a good idea whether you are sleeping in a corset or not; a large meal before bed can cause acid reflux (heartburn) and wearing a corset on top of things can exacerbate things further. Give yourself a good hour or 2 to digest before going down for the night.
3. Better to sleep in an underbust than an overbust:
Unless you're the type who wakes up in the exact same position you fall asleep in, I like to suggest underbust corsets for bedtime. An underbust covers less of your trunk/core and as such, will allow a slightly greater range of motion. Permitting yourself to move more freely in your sleep by sticking to an underbust corset will reduce any chances of the corset having a negative impact on what would have otherwise been a restful night.

4. Don't tie your corset laces into a knot
I always discourage anyone from tying their laces into a know but especially while you sleep! If you feel the need to wake up and loosen your laces in the middle of the night, this would be much more difficult to do, if not impossible, were your laces tied into a knot. Stick to a loose bow instead.
5. Sleeping in your corset is not required when it comes to waist training
Your are not a better waist trainer if you sleep in a corset nor are you any less of a waist trainer if you choose not to sleep in a corset. This part is entirely up to you, if you feel comfortable trying it and if after having given it a go, it doesn't interfere with your sleep. It is not at all a requirement in order for you to achieve the results you're after.
Exercise Tips:
Some people will tell you that it is fine to exercise in your corset. This is an area where I highly recommend speaking with a licensed trainer. They will be better informed on this topic than I and can give you the best advice. In terms of personal experience, I can tell you that a brisk walk while wearing your corset should be fine but for anything more physically demanding, please do seek out the advice of a licensed professional trainer
Cleaning Tips:
If ever you find yourself wondering how to clean/launder your corset or how to remove a spot or stain, here are our best tips. These tips will leave you with a corset fresh and clean as new:
- Dry clean only!
Under no circumstance should you ever throw your corset in a washing machine. I don't care if you promise to put it in a lingerie bag and wash it in cool water on the most delicate setting! Putting your corset in a washing machine will completely destroy your corset and probably your machine too, so stick to dry cleaning.
- Spot cleaning is okay
If you happen to get a little spot or stain on your corset, it is safe to spot clean it with a damp cloth. Start first with water alone and gently rub the soiled area to see if water alone will do the trick. If water isn't enough, use a delicate non-bleach laundry detergent. But use restraint! Most laundry detergents, even those intended for the most delicate fabrics, can be quite concentrated. A drop should be plenty.
If you do decide that you will need to use laundry soap of some kind, then be sure to apply the soap to the cloth, rather than directly to the soiled spot on the corset and once you've rubbed the spot out of the corset, do not fully immerse your corset into any sort of bath to rinse the soap off. Rather, take a clean cloth, add water to it and gradually wipe the soapiness off of the corset.
Once complete, allow your corset to air dry, preferably out of direct sunlight.
- Go with some vodka
Yep, equal parts vodka and water in a spray bottle are a great and inexpensive way to clean your corset.
Once you've got your mixture ready in your spray bottle, simply lay your corset flat lining side up, hold the bottle at least 6" away from the lining and gently spray a thin mist. No need to saturate the surface; the thin mist of half vodka, half water will work as a simple antibacterial.
It is important to note that you only want to do this on the interior of your corset for 2 reasons:
A.. The lining is the part closest to the body and most affected by perspiration vs. the shell, which won't be affected by these factors to the same degree the lining will.
- You wouldn't want to potentially disturb the finish of the corset's shell/exterior fabric by spritzing it with alcohol.
If ever you do notice a small stain on the exterior of your corset (make-up or deodorant marks), simply rub with a damp cloth until the stain is gone. For tougher stains, feel free to add the teeniest little bit of gentle laundry detergent & that should get the job done.
Back to the vodka method: once you've applied an even misting of the solution to the corset, simply leave it flat until dry and voilà! Your corset will be fresh as new!
- Hand washing (NEVER MACHINE WASH)
The corsets that are made from sturdy fabrics such a taffeta, cotton or mesh can be gently submerged in warm soapy water if they require more than simple spot cleaning, but always remember to:
-Only use the mildest of detergents
-Wash off all the detergent
-Make sure to let your corset dry thoroughly before wearing again (either lay flat or hang to dry out of direct sunlight)
-Never wring excess water out of your corset as this can cause damage to the fabric, bones and busk
-Never machine was, under any circumstances.
You can also feel free to unlace your corset should the laces require cleaning, place them in a laundry bag and machine wash them on a delicate cycle.
Tips on How to Wear Your Corset
Most of us have either got a day job or attend school full tie and as a result, don't have the option of wearing our corsets during the day as an over piece. So let's first start with some tips on how to wear your corset beneath your clothes:
- Stick to an underbust
Overbusts are gorgeous when worn as the centre piece of a special outfit but they don't always offer your bust a pretty silhouette when you've got a t-shirt or blouse draped over it. Stick to an underbust and bra and people will never know you've got a corset under there. For maximum discreetness, consider a net mesh cincher: not only is it the most breathable option for complete comfort beneath your clothes, it is light and airy, minimizing any bulk.

- Go with a neutral color and something with little to no decorative trim
Brightly colored corsets will be a dead giveaway under a thin t-shirt or blouse, so use the colour filter on the site to search for neutral colours like white, blacks or browns.
Also any form of trim, whilst stunning if you wear your corset over your clothes, could interfere with the drape of your clothes. Ribbon, sequins, decorative buttons are all best reserved for pieces we wish to show off, not corsets we hope to conceal.
- Braid your laces
To avoid and lumps or bumps at center back, braid your bow and then pass the braid behind the x'd laces, either from center up to the top of your corset or from center down to the bottom of your corset. Tuck any excess lacing up into the hem of the corset and presto! No bump or bulge from the laces.

- Avoid anything in a clingy knit
What I'm referring to here isn't your average t-shirt or camisole. Instead, I'm referring to something like a bodycon or bandage dress or any tightly fitting knit made from a rayon/spandex blend. These types of clothes cling to every single little detail (e.g. every hook and pin of your front busk closure, for example) and so aren't exactly ideal if you want to keep your corset your little secret.
Following these 4 basic tips will allow you to pair your corset beneath virtually any outfit you would normally wear on the day to day. It will still deliver the benefits of waist training, provide a gorgeous hourglass silhouette and all while keeping things totally discreet. For those of us who have the freedom to wear our corsets as an over piece, the options are virtually limitless:
- Wear an overbust to replace virtually any top you may have otherwise paired with your outfit
Overbusts can be paired with virtually any pair of pants, jeans or skirt. Feel like an overbust leaves you showing too much skin? Easy fix: top it off with a blazer, cardigan or bolero for your preferred amount of coverage. Or, take it one step further and add a statement bib necklace or a silk scarf tied round your neck to cover some of your decolletage. And voila! Totally sexy, totally appropriate.

- Wear your cincher over your favorite outfit or dress instead of a belt
Whether wide, narrow, leather or chain, belts are a staple accessory. So why not wear a cincher instead? Rather than highlighting your waist with your belt of choice, reach for your pretty underbust for an even more dramatic effect.
- You can still keep things casual
Corsets pair easily with more casual looks, too! Pair your corset with a pretty circle skirt, (or why not a corset dress? A pair of flats and a denim jacket, or with your favorite pair of jeans and favorite cardigan. Not too fancy and just the right touch of vintage glam.

Still find things a bit too dressed up? Consider a denim corset! Whether opting for the overbust or the underbust, nothing says "laid back" better than classic denim.

And there you have it: your very own comprehensive guide on everything to do with waist training! Feel like we missed something? Feel free to send us any questions you may have and we'll be more than happy to help.
Happy lacing!